Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hello all. So much is happening in our lives at the moment that I am just taking time to have a breather before I start another day. We have sold our house. That's the first thing and what a long drawn out rigmarole it is. We didn't think the sale was going to happen then we did then we didn't so its all been about...............waiting. It seems to be a season of just waiting and as I am a control freak I find waiting really difficult especially as so much has depended on what the outcome of the wait will be. We couldn't get a rental until the house sale was finalised and the buyers signed off on the deal and as it is a landlords market at the moment and every agency wants a weeks rent as an application fee (they call it an 'option fee' but blowed if I know what part is the OPTION cos no pay means no apply) and if you put in more than one application and happen to be offered more than one then you lose your OPTION fees on all the others! Now how legal that is I don't know but it sure puts me off applying for more than one. So last week I applied for a house and it took them a whole week to tell me that one of the other 30 applicants had been more successful so I started this week without knowing if we would have a home on Friday which is suppose to be settlement day. Anyway we finally got offered a place yesterday and we grabbed it so at least we have a place to live especially as my mum arrives from NZ on Friday and I was thinking she may have to have the bus stop seat while we have the grassed area! Then yesterday our settlement agent said she didn't know if the banks would be ready to settle by Friday. They do my head in! I am still waiting for my official letter from the Prison service offering me a job so surprise, surprise its another wait. At least my boss had some sympathy for me and gave me this week off. Anyway I best go and get some housework done - woo hoo. Hey on the up side the stress must be causing me to eat less cos I am 93kg today! Always look for a silver lining lol Have a good week xx PS Not sure if you scroll to the bottom of the page but there are some newish photos of me.It still feels like such a long way to goal especially when I look at photos but I just have to keep focused on how far I have come.


Anonymous said...

You're looking fantastic in those photos - congrats on your progress! And congrats on selling your house too. I know rentals can be a pain. We rent too and we just bought a place as an investment so we can reap the same pain on others! hahaha


Anonymous said...

93kgs - wow!! You are doing so well - I love checking in to see how you are going. There is such a difference between your original photos and now.

Good luck with the house stuff - such a relief to have a roof over your head.