Sunday, January 25, 2009

Update Update

Hello. Well it looks like I still get hits so I am gonna try and keep blogging. I went and saw Dr Allen about the tummy tuck. Fuck what a soul destroying kind of adventure that was. Don't get me wrong he was lovely but when you have to undress and he picks up your stomach and starts giggling it around whist grunting mmmm very heavy and saying no wonder you are so critical of your shape miss. I left feeling somewhat down but somewhat excited that I had taken the plunge. I thought still having 20kg to go (according to BMI) he would say wait but he said do it now which was great. Well it would be better if I had 8k on standby. I have tentatively booked it in for April. It is going to be painful but as I have had a Caesar and he said a tuck isn't as bad then I am OK with that lol. He will remove about 5 kg so that's 5 I don't have to work at hehe. One of the ladies is having it done for $3500 by her wieght loss surgeon so I am going to talk to his surgery to see if he will take on another Dr's patient and if he will I will ask him to see me. Be great to save that extra money. I havent done too much exercise due to the heat (yeah well that excuse works for me ok) but will get back into it soon. Blog soon xx


Anonymous said...

Hi Cuzzy

Just thought I would let you know that I read your blog all the time. Keep up the good work, you have inspired me to losing weight.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the tummy tuck thing. I'll be looking for one when I get to goal for sure. I would have thought the surgeon could have been a bit more tactful though - surely they get how massive a decision it is to be there!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dianne, found your blog on here i am due to have my lapbanding on the 6th Feb 2009, so many emotions excited, nervous, scared, tell me it's all worth it please.....your blog has helped me to realise this is the way to go i will continue to read your blog and maybe one day meet you to share stories....
Thanks for your inspirational story
Kelly B

Anonymous said...

Good grief i am a bit humbled when I read the comments at times but especially this time. Juju, you are the one that inspires me. You are such a testament to life and God and faith. Know that I continue to keep you in my prayers and are believing for an end to your battles girl. All of my stuff seems very insignificant when I think of you. I will be home in the near 09 future and hope to catch up with you for a coffee and even a blimmin kiwi cake lol xxxxx Dianne