Hi all. This will be a short post as I don't have much time. I was just thinking 'stuff' and thought I must blog.
I am trying to write a book. Not sure how it will go cos its one of those things that probably will never get finished but I just had to share the first page which goes something like this.
Its six pm on a Wed night and I am sitting in Prison Unit G. I have just started night shift. I cant believe that only a year ago I was 40kg heavier wondering where the hell my out of control life is going and yet here I am now only one short year later fitter than I have ever been in my life doing whats become my absolute dream job! I am so grateful to God for the miracle of modern medicine and what it has done for me. I am so grateful to my surgeon for his expertise and I am so so so so so proud of myself for getting of my oversized ass and doing something positive to get me out of the cesspool I was spinning around in.
Well anyway it needs lots of work but you know after all this time I can now say it was absolutely worth all the fears and it has given me a hope for the future that I couldn't possibly of had at 135kg. If you are thinking of doing this then think long and hard because its not easy but my goodness it can open up a door that the sun just streams through when your world may be pretty blimmin bleak where you are now.
I ran 5.3km yesterday which has been my goal for weeks and now I have made it. I took 33min and my knees hurt now but when I rounded a corner and saw the finish line ahead of me (I measured it out in the car) I had the goofiest smile on my face that its worth every bit of ache I have now. I also want to congratulate my sister who finished the Kerikeri half marathon a couple of weeks ago. Exercise doesn't come too naturally to my family so that was no easy task for her and she did it. Well done Bon!
Well that's it for me right now. Merry merry Christmas to each and everyone of you. May the joy of the season rest on you all. Be safe and love your loved ones. May 2009 be our year to shine xx