Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Hello all. The scales are resting tentatively on 86kg today. Probably will sway up a bit by the end of the day then down again tomorrow but I'm ok with 86kg. The band is still super tight although I have learnt to drink my meals well and I can eat nuts so me and my bag of cashews go many places hand in hand.
My news today is (apart from the 86kg) that I am writing a book. Probably called something along the lines of Dianne's bariatric journey or something lol, In fact if you can think of a good name Id love to hear it. Its really bloody hard trying to put it all together but I am ready to give it a go I think. Funny how confronting its been already. Its been amazing to look back over my life and then the last two years. Its sure been a road with a lot of twists, turns hills, and slips. I will let you know how I get on and if you have any ideas I would love to hear them.
We are currently getting 4 eggs from our chickens which is fantastic for the cake tin but not so good for my son and husbands waistlines lol. Poor Andy is working out so hard then I go make a batcch of afghans with 200gms of butter in them.
Well no more news for now but will blog you again soon xx


THE DASH! said...

Hey stranger :)

Good for you, you are doing the very thing we talked about that day over drinks. Amazing. Writing a book is haaaard (just ask me, been there done that lol) and I think it's a brilliant idea as there's still not a lot out there for us bandsters or bandsters-to-be. And 86 kilos? WHOOOO Excellent.
Speak soon
Cara x

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the book thingo and congrats on the 86!

Em :)