Sunday, December 13, 2009

We have arrived

I haven't disappeared I just let time run off with me. Since my last blog we have moved to Karratha. We set out last Friday night at 10pm with our two dogs Murphy and lilli. We left Rockingham after a stop at McDonald's for an ice coffee. We arrived at Geralton about 4.45am. Id had enough by then and I hadnt even got behind the wheel. It was nice and cool at least. We gave the dogs a wee stop and fuelled up then hit the road again. We had numerous stops to give the dogs a break and then reached Carnavon about 12.00. Man it was getting hot. We decided to move all of the stuff on the back seat to the Ute tray and put the dogs on the back seat so they had the air con too. It was enough to do our head in because they wanted to play. We kept plugging on and after more road side stops we hit Karratha at about 6pm. I have never been so glad to see a town come into sight as I was that night. We were met at our accommodation by someone from work who kindly turned on the air con for us. What a relief that was as the heat was something we hadn't experienced before. That was last sat night. Monday our furniture arrived and we got the keys to our house which is huge and cool with air con in every room. A big day unpacking and sorting. Wed our second car arrived. We flushed the loo for the first time and the whole system backed up. turns out a massive plumbing job was needed and the plumbers spent the whole day digging up our yard. Red dirt EVERYWHERE! So that's it. We are here and I am constantly sweeping up red dust as the house isn't being landscaped for a few weeks. The dogs don't know what the hell has hit them and spend all day lying in their paddle pool. Andy is back at work and I am back on Tues. bummer its all over ( Weight wise. Well I have managed to whack on about 4kgs. I honestly don't know how but I guess the drinks are the problem. Not alcohol (mostly not) just juices and anything else cold I have. I'm over it right now and will deal with it after Christmas. I'm quite restricted but obviously not enough. Well I'm off for a walk with the dogs now but keep checking in cos I will blog again..........promise xxxx


THE DASH! said...

You must have heard me calling you, Di. I went to your blog earlier this evening to see if I had missed a post and came on later and voila - here you are!!

What a mammoth trip that was! I remember traveling to Cnvn and ho boy - what a long ride. You did good to make it intact (and alive without you and hubbie killing each other lol)... enjoy your new house.. at least once that plumbing is fixed. Let us know how things are in the new town :)

Anonymous said...

Wowzer that is a looooong way! Glad to hear your arrived safely!

Em :)