Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I never went to the Dr. I ummmed and ahhhed about it for a few days then thought how silly I was being getting a fill when I am already restricted. We are going to Perth for a few days over Easter and I thought how miserable it would be to only be able to sip fluids for the whole time, So I have to stop eating M and Ms and drinking litres of ice coffee and behave. Ha .......................too easy!
Yesterday was a terrible drive to work. I am one (I don't really know anyone else who is as hopeless as me) of those people who only seem to see stuff when I am driving over the top of it which explains a couple of cyclists a few years ago. I'm alright on the road its just well other people who may not be. Yesterday I'm looking at this whole group of about 20 birds sitting on the road and I'm thinking 'stupid birds why do you leave it till the last minute. One of these days you are gonna leave it too late to fly off ' by the time I had finished thinking all that I had driven over the top of them and i realised it was some sort of flightless bird with lots of chicks. It was so awful. There were bits of birds flying (s'cuse the pun) up everywhere. I felt so bad that I bawled the rest of the way to work lol.
We just had our house all landscaped. So glad to get rid of the red dirt. Such a relief. Sadly one of our dogs thinks hes really smart bringing us a plant so today I am off to buy some chili paste and I am going to smear it all over the retic and plants in the hope that will deter him.
We went camping the last two weekends at Millstream which is a national park. Its really lovely there which is hard to see when you are from a magnificent country like NZ but after 10 years of Perth and sand for dirt I can really appreciate Millstream. The problem was the heat at night. Andy and I were sitting up at midnight dipping our clothes into our esky which still had some ice in it then putting our clothes back on. So hot and soooo many bugs. Still it was a neat experience but next time I think we will probably go in winter.
No more news from me. Hope all is well with you. Blog ya soon xx

1 comment:

THE DASH! said...

Poor little birds. Bummer. It's awful when you hit an animal/s on the way somewhere. Did that to a rabbit myself once. Cried like a baby.