Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Rough week

We went away last weekend and I indulged in foods and beverages I knew I shouldn't but I just chucked caution to the wind and thought 'lets just enjoy the moment'. Well the moment has past and I don't think the moment is worth the rugged week I had following the weekend. I think I need them to band my brain cos I have continuously beaten myself up especially as the scales are + 1kg. We ate out three times in two days and no matter what is on the menu it's the bloody chips that get me every time. I could hardly ask the kids not to have chips with whatever and they could never finish them so I just had to help, after all waste not, want not . Well, that's a load of shit actually I just cant help myself when it comes to good chips or average chips or even crap chips for that matter just so long as they are deep fried it seems they'll do! I can't eat many but obviously it doesn't take many to get the scales heading north. I also have called into the lolly shop three times in the last week as they have kiwi licorice and from one who gets constipated which is a literal pain in the arse I have taken to buying Black Knight licorice which seems to work a treat however.................................they also sell kiwi buzz bars, toasties, toffee milks (a personal favourite) and rashuns so I inevitably stock up on them all and then nibble my way through it. I know mum I know ( she will be reading this at some stage and I can hear her tut tutting me) I just cant seem to get past the fact that I need to leave it alone and not buy it or else I will eat it. Many things have been bought then thrown in the bin at home to stop me eating it. Still tempting to pull it out and wipe it off but I haven't resorted to such desperate measures........yet! I went to the dietitian today which was a help as far as getting portion control advise because I have gotton a wee bit confused especially when it comes to drinking water which I can and have always drunk by the litre but I was stressing that the 3 or 4 litres I drink throughout the day will stretch the new stomach but she says just sip my way through whatever I can do and that is ok. I started walking yesterday! End on that story lol. Nah, I went today too so who knows maybe I will do another one tomorrow. I freaking hate exercise but I am going to try and find 30 but I do wish that sitting on my ass in front of the computer counted. The good news this week is that I won $150.00 on the Melbourne cup yesterday. I was a TAB virgin and some girl at work helped me place the bet and I won!!!! Was a very cool feeling. I am going to try not to replace my co dependency on food for gambling but its going to be hard lol. Well no more news from me. Will update again soon. xx for now Dianne

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