Thursday, April 16, 2009

Its 7am 16/04 and I have been up since 4 am pacing the floor watching the clock for it to hurry up and get to 8am. I don't know if I told you but we got my son a gorgeous golden lab puppy 'Bella'. We have had her for about 6 weeks and she is just the loveliest dog. She had these amazing hazel eyes that just make you want to melt She had her second lot of shots last week and we have all been hanging out to take her walking but have another month to wait. Anyway, I got home from work on Tues and Caleb said Bells eyes seemed funny. I looked at them and thought they did too and Andy thought she had poked them or had sand in them. So I rinsed them with some saline. Yesterday morning when I got up I called her and I could hear her thumping around in Maggie's (other dogs) kennel. I went over to get her and she was stiff like a board. She couldn't bend her legs or stand properly and her eyes were bright red with no pupils showing at all. Gosh it was so awful. Andy dropped me off at work (no vets open till 8am) then raced her to the vets. It turns out she has canine tetanus. She has a 50/50 chance of survival. Our whole house is a mess. I cant sleep imagining her alone at the vets and Caleb keeps bursting into tears. Its just the pits. So, here I am waiting waiting waiting for the cash cow (oops vet) to open. I have a surgeons appt at 3.00 to check out the band and fill etc but will decide if I go once I here how Bella is. Will keep you posted xx

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