Thursday, April 16, 2009

Went and visited Bella with Caleb today, She recognised Caleb and was beside herself to try and get to him but she couldn't move a muscle. Gosh it is so awful.Its just like rigamorteous (sp). Stiff like a dead thing but can still hear everything. I can hardly breathe when I see her. The vet must think I am a mad woman. I ring 10 x a day and pop in to see her at least once. Just wanna cry all the time when I am there. Took her teddy in today and she licked it.
I went to see the surgeon today. I told him that my band isn't comfortable and he is a bit concerned. Oh goody another freaking thing to worry about. He could feel the lump under one of the scars and is concerned by that as well. Am going for a liquid concrete swallow and x ray next week. Will be glad to get that done. No more fills but he was OK to leave what was in there in.
PS To my sister who reads this. Don't be mean to me about Bella, OK! I know we aren't very soft like that but this is shit I tell you ! lol xxx

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