Friday, February 19, 2010

Im sitting here on hold to Centrelink. Did you know that its free to register for online access. YESSSSS cos the freaken machine has told me 5 x in the last 5 minutes but I have to stay on hold to do that dont I GRRRRRR Anyway I just wanted to tell you that a Chrunchie, a ice coffee, a froggo and a mango a day is enough calories for you to gain weight steadily I know cos its happening to me. My work pants are getting tight. Starting to freak out. Dont anyone suggest I give up my chrunchie ice coffee or froggo (ok I will give up the mango cos it gets stuck anyway) becuase that would be the normal thing to do. Ok going to find me a diet Froggo! xx

1 comment:

THE DASH! said...

lol Funny girl!! I would SO hang on to the mango - but then I'm a mango freak.