Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Isnt it funny when you feel you are gaining wieght and are just too scared to even hop on the scales then you go to the Dr and he says 'step on the scales' and when I did....................................................................I hadnt put on hardly anything compared to what I thought. I was 87kg and I was sure i was up to about 95. Im so relieved and Im going to try harder and leave the alcohol alone for a night or two,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nah just one night to start with lol. I have just gotton back from fishing. Friggen KMart fishing rods. $50 buys you a good day of fishing then the whole sucker just explodes in your hands and the winder bit flew of the jetty and some screws when shooting off in another direction. So no more fishing until I get me a good rod. I just love it though. Its a pity I never liked it as a kid as mum and dad were both avid fisherman. Ah well I never liked cauliflour either but I do now lol. xx

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