Monday, February 15, 2010

Its been such a long time between posts I doubt if anyone is following this anymore. Time goes on and I am sooo over dieting, exercising. gains, losses, restrictions getting food stuck then wishing food would get stuck. The band is as tight as it should be but I can still get around it by eating anything fried or coated in chocolate or I drink the calories or I eat and drink the calories and the end result is I am slowly but very surely gaining. Im wondering what the point is to it all at the moment. Obviously the point is to lose wieght but its just depressing! I havent been near the scales in weeks and dont plan on it cos I dont want to know the significant end result but I can tell by my clothes its sliding up. I was hoping somewhere hot to live would help but I just drink the calories. I thought walking the dogs would help but its too hot lol. Shit shit shit. Actually Im not feeling nearly as bad as it sounds I just am so over the whole THINKING wieght all the time. If I spent as much time thinking about anything else I would be committed to a funny farm I am sure.
We have been fishing almost everyday and have caught some beaut fish almost each time but the only way to eat them for me is to dish them in Tempura batter and fry in olive oil (thats gotta be healthy) and they just slip on through. I tried baking them the other day and they got stuck. I can even eat chips with them! Oh yay.
I hope you are all well and acheiving your own goals (show offs) xxx for now


Anonymous said...

Glad u blogged again, was wondering where u will all be ok im sure...chin up chook....dont let it become a double...kay xx

Unknown said...

So glad you blogged again - not that I can talk.

I know what you mean about
thinking about weight - I'm so tired of it. I'm trying to refocus my mind to healthy and exercise - I'll see how that goes.