Monday, February 22, 2010

Well its taken me 10 weeks but its finally happened as I knew it would. I have finally blown my stack at a couple of colleagues and are probably going to get ostracized now and.............................. care factor 0! I had been sooooo good. Just saw things and heard things and thought nup not going to say anything, who cares, shut up, grin and bare it etc but yesterday after doing two night shifts last week and then a party appearance the night before which led to a 1 am bedtime only to get up again at 0620 for work I got a bit shaky on my be quiet policy and completely flew off the fucken handle. Here's the thing. I don't care if you smoke. I don't care if that's what you want to do shit I use to easily puff away 35 or 40 a day so I am fully aware that its a habit that's as bad to break as heroin. There is a couple of things I expect smokers would just do. Here they are If you see me and you are smoking well excellent but don't blow it in my face, If I'm in a room don't walk in with a smoke lit and if you are in my car don't light up which also goes for inside my house other than that knock yourself out. I don't think that's unreasonable. I don't think that's discriminatory . Being asthmatic is a bitch and having it bought on by someone else's smoke is a bigger bitch. Well I learnt something else that pisses me off, that the amount of times I am asked to cover someone else's job so they can 'pop out for a quick fag' is shit! Its just the expected thing. I don't ask for 15 minutes every hour for a fresh air break so why should I have to do the work load of two or sometimes three other colleagues so they can stand outside fagging all the day! Last night at 6pm the night shift officer walks in. (She left a note the previous night complaining that certain people hadn't gotten everything done on the previous shift that I was on). She says hello puts her stuff down logs onto the computer then says at 6.10pm can you just watch the office (it can not be left unattended) while I pop out for a quick smoke. 35 minutes later I'm still waiting for her to return from the group meeting/smoke break outside so I can finish my really busy day that I now have to get done in half the time I had. Is it unreasonable to feel so pissed off? I know now (because probably 85% of officers where I am smoke) that I will be labelled some sort of smokophobic. But I just don't think its reasonable to have the expectation to just stand outside for what tallies up to 3 or 4 hours of a 12 hour work day while someone else covers your arse or at the least has the stress of trying to get their own job done while carrying them. What do you think? I know there is no answer to this because smoking is a huge force to be reckoned with within the workplace but it still sucks (oh no thats the smokers lol)
Vent over with!


THE DASH! said...

Nope : I agree with all this and I smoke too!! I think the only time they should do it is on their own time: their morning/afternoon tea or lunch break (as we all have to - Im at a nursing home working there..) anything else is crazy. I feel for you, Di. It sucks when you get used up... hope this sorts :)

Anonymous said...

Im with you, i am the only non smoker in my office and all day every day they take turns to pop out for a fag, 19 to 15 mins later back they come and then another therefore we are always one down on thephones every sucks and then to top it all off when i go on my measly 10 minute break once a day they come outside to ask me questions that cust have rung up about....friggen over the whole smoking thing...and yep i used to as well but dont anyone smoke in my house, car or blow around me either cos its the height of rudeness....kay

Anonymous said...

Stick to your guns. They should be having a smoke break in their "smoko break". I'm sure Kevin Rudd doesn't pop out for a "quickie" every hour. I'm an ex smoker and I hate the stink but that's nowhere as bad a having it blown in your face. Tell them to get a life.